Erfahren Sie, wie Neat Geräte moderne Arbeitsumgebungen verändern und durch immersive virtuelle Erlebnisse eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit, Kreativität und Produktivität ermöglichen.
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Neat Pulse Plus
Advanced Management
Access our powerful Neat Pulse platform. This cloud-based subscription offering lets IT administrators centrally control, manage and monitor Neat devices with access to:
Automatic software updates
Remote control
Access to App Hub
Scheduled software updates
API access
Audit logs
Enjoy premium direct access to all technical support levels 1–3 from anywhere globally with priority queuing and response times.
Neat Pulse Pro
Advanced Management
Access our powerful Neat Pulse platform. This cloud-based subscription offering lets IT administrators centrally control, manage and monitor Neat devices with access to:
Automatic software updates
Remote control
Access to App Hub
Scheduled software updates
API access
Audit logs
Enjoy premium direct access to all technical support levels 1–3 from anywhere globally with priority queuing and response times.
Extend the warranty of your Neat devices currently subscribed to a Neat Pulse Pro plan. It includes advanced hardware replacements and priority shipments (next day* in some countries).
* subject to location, stock availability, local couriers/customs authorities and type of device.
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